Teaching Assistant
- Fall 2020 - DT2140 Multimodal Interaction and Interfaces (KTH) - I supervised a group of four students during their project work resulting in a poster submission:
- Fall 2018-Fall 2022 - DD2380 Artificial Intelligence (KTH) - I led the team of teaching assistants. I examined and graded students, and I taught on HMMs and Game Theory in hands-on labs and tutorials.
- Fall 2018 - DD3001 Research Theory, Methods and Practice (KTH) - I taught a lecture on Scientific Writing.
- 2017 - 2018 - Advanced Machine Learning (University of Twente) - I taught concepts and answered questions during hands-on lab sessions in which students worked on their homework and programming assignments. Topics included: Graphical models, dynamical models, deep learning, and classification.
- 2014 - 2016 - Research Methodology (University of Twente) - I taught concepts and answered questions during practical sessions in which students worked on their project, including prototyping and formulating research questions. I surveilled during examinations.
- 2015 - Research assistant (University of Twente) - I annotated and analyzed videos on Child-child interaction that informed Child-Robot Interaction research.
- 2013 - 2015 - Development and realization of educational module (University of Twente) - I co-designed the educational model for the specialization Human Factors and Engineering (Psychology). I participated in meetings with faculty, wrote parts of the module's syllabus, designed new assignments, and graded student assignments. More info on the module can be found here: [MODULE INFO]
Supervision of Bachelor/Master students
Oscar Ă–rnberg (Robotics project, KTH): Crowdsourcing Robot Programs, -- supervisor, 2018, Examiner: Iolanda Leite.
Rui Li (MSc thesis, KTH): Comparing human-robot proxemics between virtual reality and the real world, -- supervisor, 2019, Examiner: Iolanda Leite.
Linnéa Björklund (MSc thesis, KTH): The effects of material choice on the perception of social robots, -- supervisor, 2019, Examiner: Iolanda Leite.
Irene Kaklopoulou, Thays Santos Duarte, Ziyi Zhu, Yuqi Liu (Project course, KTH): Using a Social Robot to Raise Women’s Awareness of Menstrual Health, -- supervisor, 2020, Examiner: Gabriel Skantze.
Fredrik Sebek (Msc thesis, KTH): Multi-label PDF segmentation, -- supervisor, 2021, Examiner: Iolanda Leite.
Rasmus Rudling (MSc thesis, KTH): Perceived Safe Human-Drone Interaction through Control Barrier Functions, -- supervisor, 2022, Examiner: Patric Jensfelt.